​Let's start with the basics...
What's ancestral living?
You may have heard it called other things--
Whatever you call it, the fundamental principles are that you:
​Eat mostly unprocessed foods
Move in a natural, functional way
Get outside as much as possible
Make sleep/rest a priority
Reduce exposure to toxins
You can take the journey with me--in real time. From the good days, (when all the goals are met), to the bad ones (where entire boxes of cookies are eaten). This is a modern day human tale of being the person I want to be: a strong, vibrant, woman of a particular age who doesn't let the number of years she's been on the planet--nor her inability to bend down and tie her shoe without her sciatica flaring--hold her back.
That's the focus of this blog. To share my journey BACK to this healthy, sustainable, way of life. And if I can teach others along the way, even better; as it makes for a strong, vibrant community.
Plus, getting that inflamed sciatica under control will be a bonus!

Thanks to Aragon AI for the removal of my braces and the edits in this headshot!
Beginning data:
March 2025
Age: 53
Weight: 184
Cholesterol level: High
Mobility: Low
Blood Sugar: High normal
Resting Heart Rate: 65
Ability to perform 4 Basic Primal Movements
Push-ups: Intermediate Incline (35°) level; 25
Pull-ups: Easy level (chair assisted); 10
Squats: Easy level (assisted); 20
Planks: Easy level (forearm); 20 seconds
Seeing it in print like this HURTS MY SOUL!!!
These stats are the reason for this website. I KNOW I can do better than this.
“Most impossible goals can be met simply by breaking them down into bite size chunks, writing them down, believing them and going full speed ahead as if they were routine.” Don Lancaster
Goal #1--Have the 4 Basic Primal Movements MASTERED in 365 days
Goal #2--Have better mobility in 365 days
Goal #3--bring weight, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels down within 6 months.
Goal # 4--(and this is a big one for me) be able to run another half marathon (or more) by 2027
​Here we go...full speed ahead.